
Apartments for Rent


Downtown 1 bedroom completely furnished

Luxury apartments. Roof top patio decks, spiral stair case, big screen TVs, Wi-Fi, all linens, all utilities and parking included.

Flexible lease terms.

$1,100 month. 570-916-3309

Downtown 2 bedroom completely furnished

Luxury apartments. Roof top patio decks, spiral stair case, big screen TVs, Wi-Fi, all linens, all utilities and parking included.

Flexible lease terms.

$1,300 month.


1 bedroom apartment,

clean quiet, secure.

All utilities included. $500/month. 570-326-4800

3 bedroom apartment with laundry room, 1st floor. Shed, stove, fridge, dishwasher, water & sewer included. Loyalsock Twp. $1,110/month.





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We will not knowingly

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All persons are hereby

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For Rent: 2 bedroom apt. in Rote area, adults only, electric & heat included, no animals or smoking, $800/month + sec. deposit, Call 570-295-0886,

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