
Around the Town

Good Day

and Happy 90th Birthday to Elaine McCloskey, of Marsh Creek!

Happy Birthday

Happy 3rd Birthday to Caden Hendershot, of Mill Hall!

Happy Birthday also to Sandra Peeler; Tim Grenninger; Rachel Yoder, of Howard; and Fawn Shaffer, of Lock Haven.

Word of the Day

Caroling — the activity of singing Christmas carols.

Quote of the Day

“Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, is the biggest shopping day of the year, it’s also the biggest leftovers day of the year.”

— Steve Doocy

Union Cemetery Ornaments

This Saturday, Nov. 30, at Talleyrand Park in Bellefonte, starting around 4 p.m., the Union Cemetery will have a stand offering ornaments. You can personalize an ornament with someone’s name, either in their memory or honor for a donation to the cemetery. The ornaments will be hung on the tree at Talleyrand Park. The tree lighting ceremony will take place later that evening, starting around 7 p.m.

Cookies with Santa

McElhattan Pathway to Christ Church is offering family time with Santa. Come enjoy free cookies and milk with Santa on Sunday, Dec. 8, from noon to 2 p.m. You can also have your photo taken with Santa and emailed to you as a keepsake reminder of the event. Free gift bags will be presented to each child while supplies last. The church is located at 502 McElhattan Drive, McElhattan. For more info on this and other events at the church, email BJ at Bpeters388@comcast.net.

Starting at $3.69/week.

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