Around the Town
Good Day
and Happy Anniversary to Tom and Sharon Doebler!
Happy Birthday
to Sandy Sherman, of Bellefonte; and Vonnie Mark!
Word of the Day
Expediency — noun — the quality of being convenient and practical despite being improper or immoral.
Quote of the Day
“Through the chill of December the early winter moans…But it’s that January wind that rattles old bones.”
— John Facenda
A Breakfast Buffet Benefit for James “Cinders” Munro will be held on Saturday, Jan. 18, at Susquehanna Valley Big Twins Motorcycle Club, 84 Harley Drive, Lock Haven (Woolrich). All you can eat breakfast will be offered from 7-11 a.m. for $10 adults, $6 for kids ages 6-12; and little tykes eat free. In addition, a 50/50 raffle and Chinese Auction will be held to raise money for Jim, a SVBT member who was very seriously injured in an auto accident and is now in the rehabilitation process of healing and recovery. Prizes are needed for the Chinese auction. Call 570-769-7287 to donate prizes for the Chinese auction.
Porter Twp. Breakfast
Porter Township Farmer’s Breakfasts will be held the first Saturday of each month. The next breakfast will be on Feb. 1 and continuing through April, from 7-10 a.m., at the Porter Township Community Building in Lamar. Menu includes eggs, pancakes, bacon, sausage, scrapple, hash browns, biscuits and sausage gravy, toast, coffee, tea and hot chocolate.