Around the Town
Good Day
and Happy 50th wedding anniversary to Ed and Gail Nestlerode, on Saturday!
Happy Birthday
On Saturday: Donald Weaver.
On Sunday: Mark Watson, of Marsh Creek; and Candy Showan, of Mill Hall.
On Monday: Rebecca Mellot, of Woolrich.
Word of the Day
Complaisant — adj. — willing or eager to please others.
Quote of the Day
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is ‘What are you doing for others?'”
— Martin Luther King, Jr.
Civil War Roundtable
Join us for a Civil War Roundtable at Avenue 209 Coffeehouse on Monday, Jan. 20, from 5-7 p.m. Contact Mike at 508-823-1585 for more info.
The Annual Meeting of the Clinton County Historical Society will be held on Jan. 22, at noon in the Poorman Gallery, 352 E. Water St., Lock Haven. The agenda includes annual reports, election of directors, a By-Laws change, sign dedication, presentation on “Strawberries” by Annie Snyder and a light lunch. Please RSVP to 570-748-7254 email at
Grief share
Mackeyville UM Church will hold a grief share on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m.