
local briefs

‘Constitution 230’ to celebrate

a national anniversary

CENTRE HALL — A “Constitution 230 Celebration” is planned at Grange Park for the 230th anniversary of the United States Constitution.

The event will be held Sunday, Sept. 17 from 1 to 5 p.m. in the outdoor venue, rain or shine. Those attending should use Gate 1, Potter Street, Grandstand Area (127 S. Pennsylvania Ave.).

U.S. Sen. Bob Casey will be one of the speakers.

Other speakers confirmed so far are professor emeritus/actor Charles Dumas; Anne K. Ard, executive director of the Centre County Women’s Resource Center; and presidential historian Dr. Greg Ferro.

Constitution Village exhibits will be set up outdoors by local groups and individuals, to highlight the roles of government, the rights and freedoms of citizens, and the electoral process.

In addition, live music is planned, free pocket constitutions will be distributed, and food trucks will be available for food sales.

Parking is free. No alcoholic beverages or pets are allowed. Tickets are non-refundable and may be bought at constitution230.weebly.com.

Cancer Survivor Picnic is Aug. 10

LOCK HAVEN — The Cancer Support Group will hold its annual Cancer Survivor Picnic on Thursday, Aug. 10 at 6:30 p.m. on the patio of Susque-View. Anyone who has lived one day or more with cancer is considered a cancer survivor. Friends and family are also welcome to attend.

This event is always a source of inspiration and fellowship and is held rain or shine under the patio pavilion.

Jeff Welshans, a cancer survivor from Jersey Shore, will be the guest speaker. Jeff was diagnosed at the age of 27 with thymoma, cancer of the thymus gland, a rare and unpredictable cancer. He has had multiple chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Most recently, Jeff had successful surgery at Hershey Medical Center as a result of a tumor compressing his spinal cord. Jeff gives credit to a strong faith in God for delivering him through the surgery and being able to walk today.

Musical entertainment will be provided by Tom McLaughlin of Lock Haven to culminate this celebration of life.

Participants are asked to bring a dish to share. Meat, beverage and table service will be provided.

The Cancer Support Group meets the second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. in Conference Room B of Susque-View. There is no charge to be part of the group.

Free backpacks offered

in Nittany Valley

CLINTONDALE — A “Blessing of Backpacks” give-away is offered Sunday, Aug. 13 from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Porter Township Community Building.

Free backpacks and school supplies will be given to the first 75 children entering kindergarten through eighth grade who come to participate.

The Blessing of Backpacks is a ministry of the Clintondale and Mackeyville United Methodist churches.

‘Drive-in’ to celebrate Lock

Haven Catholic School

LOCK HAVEN — Lock Haven Catholic School is celebrating the 50-year anniversary of its current school building by having a ’50s Drive-in at the school Thursday to Saturday, Aug. 24 to 26. The drive-in will be held each day from 4 to 8 p.m. and will feature lots of food, along with games and entertainment.

Civil War group

meets Wednesday

STATE COLLEGE — The August meeting of the 148th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Company C, Civil War Reenactment Group will be held Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at Hoss’s Steak and Seafood Restaurant, 1450 N. Atherton St.

The Civil War reenactors will discuss the Civil War program at Greenwood Furnace State Park in Huntingdon County the weekend of Aug. 18 to 20 and a Battle of Antietam re-enactment in Zoar, Ohio, the weekend of Sept. 9 and 10.

During the Civil War, seven of the 10 companies of the 148th PA Regiment were recruited from Centre County and became known as “The Centre County Regiment.” Today, the 148th PA Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Company C, Reenactment Group has more than 20 active members from Centre, Clearfield, Mifflin, Juniata and Blair counties.

The regiment is actively recruiting new members. Anyone interested in learning more about Civil War reenacting or the Civil War in general is encouraged to attend. For more information, call Lynn Herman at 814-861-0770.

Starting at $3.69/week.

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