Calendar of Events
— LIHEAP assistance at Takac’s Office, 216 W. Hamilton Ave., State College, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Representative Paul Takac’s staff will assist low income families in obtaining heating assistance funds.
— Covenant Cafe (Alzheimer’s) meeting, 1-3 p.m., at Covenant UM Church, 44 W. Main St., Lock Haven.
— Clinton Central Model Railroad Club open house, 5-8 p.m. Free admission for all ages to enjoy the sights and sounds of trains operating along with museum memorabilia and model train displays. Located at 15 Logan Avenue in Castanea.
— Bellefonte Area School Board Meeting at Bellefonte Middle School, 7 p.m. Public is invited.
— Prayer Shawl Ministry meeting at BEUP Church in Mill Hall, noon. Come see the crocheted and knitted creations made by needleworkers. Lunch is also provided during the meeting.
— Blood Drive at Howard fire hall, 12:30-6 p.m. Become a blood donor today!
— Hammermill “office girls” luncheon at 11:30 a.m. at the Dutch Haven Restaurant.
— Senior Cheer Club meeting at noon at Friendship Community Center in Beech Creek. Anyone 55 and older is invited to bring a covered dish and enjoy fellowship, food and fun. Bring a $10-$12 wrapped item for the gift exchange.
— Rethinking 322 Student Presentation at 7 p.m. The students of Landscape Architecture 414 studio class with Dr. Dan Marriott will present their final project using the State College Area Connector as their case study. The public is invited to the final fall 2024 student presentation that will be held at the Boalsburg Fire Hall, 113 E. Pine St., Boalsburg. RSVP’s are requested to Centre County Historical Society, 814-234-4779, but not required.
— Truck Lite has hidden the elves in the nature park. From now until Dec. 13 at 3 p.m., take a walk through the nature park and count how many elves you can find. They’re high and low and hiding from you. In the first pavilion, there’s a place to get an entry form. Complete the entry form and put it in the box provided. Truck Lite will be announcing the winner at Santa’s visit in the nature park on Dec. 15 at 2 p.m. Come have some fun – a prize will be awarded.
— Centre County Young Patrons of Husbandry will meet at 6 p.m. at Sunset West Restaurant in Pleasant Gap for a Dutch treat Christmas dinner and party. Bring a wrapped gift for the Yankee Swap. Cards will be signed for shut-in Grange members. Call your RSVP to Ben or Maryann at 814-883-1469.
— Porter Township Farmer’s Breakfasts are held the first Saturday of each month, from 7-10 a.m., at the Porter Township Community Building in Lamar. Menu includes eggs, pancakes, bacon, sausage, scrapple, hash browns, biscuits and sausage gravy, toast, coffee, tea and hot chocolate.
— Woolrich Wonderland, beginning at 6 p.m. at the Woolrich Park, with activities including Santa, a tree lighting ceremony, children’s crafts, cookies, hot chocolate, caroling and more! This event is hosted by the Pine Creek Township Recreation Committee and is supported through funding from the Clinton County Community Foundation. Bring the whole family!