Howard Happenings
Liberty Township Sportsmen’s Association, Marsh Creek Road, Howard, will be having a Turkey Shoot on Sunday, Jan. 26, at 9:30 a.m. Registration begins at 9 a.m. Everyone is invited!
The club is also holding its 13th annual Coyote Hunt the weekend of Feb. 28-Mar. 2.
Those wanting to enter the hunt can sign up at the club house each Sunday through Feb. 23 from 1 to 4 p.m. Or you can also print a registration form along with the rules and regulations of the hunt from the website,, and mail it in.
The hunt will be held in compliance with PA Game Commission regulations. Anyone having any questions can call Butch at 814-280-3015.
The club house will be open during the hunt with vendors holding a flea market. Items are limited to those of hunting, fishing or camping genres. Call to rent a table for the flea market. Food will also be sold on Saturday and Sunday of the hunt as well.
More info will be shared on the Coyote Hunt as it nears.
Sugar Valley Fire Company is holding a Sweetheart Dinner on Saturday, Feb. 8, from 3-6:30 p.m. Bring your sweetheart or your someone special to enjoy an Amish Wedding Meal Buffet with many of your favorite wedding style foods. Roast chicken with stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, creamed celery, noodles, pies, doughnuts, ice cream and beverages are just a few of the delicious foods that will be offered. The price is $20 for adults and $12 for ages 6-12. Younger kiddos can eat for free. The meal is available for sit down dining in the fire company’s banquet hall or by take-outs. Call 570-725-3017 for info.
The Back Porch String Band will hold their monthly Country Jam at the Howard fire hall on the fourth Sunday afternoon of each month through November. Country Jam is free and runs from 2-6 p.m. If you play an instrument, bring it along and join in the jam sessions, or you’re welcome to sit back, relax and enjoy the toe tappin’, hand clappin’ tunes. Those attending on Jan. 26 should bring a snack to share. A donation basket is passed to collect funds to benefit the Howard Fire Company.
Marsh Creek Brethren in Christ Church is again collecting used shoes, sneakers and boots for the Gospel Tide. Shoes are being collected from now through the end of March. Bonnie is the church collection co-ordinator and she is willing to pick up shoes locally if other churches or individuals want to donate shoes to the cause. Bonnie can be contacted at 570-962-2665.
Last year the church set a goal to collect 200 pairs of gently used shoes during the “Your Soles for Their Souls” campaign, and thanks to all who donated, the church was able to collect 440 pairs. Gospel Tide had a goal to collect 5,000 pairs of shoes last year and they surpassed their goal when they received 6,500 pairs of shoes.
The Emmanuel Church of Christ in Jacksonville, rural Howard, with the help of Brenda and Chuck Fetters, donated many pairs of shoes that their church collected after seeing the details in Howard Happenings. We’re hoping more churches and individuals will join in the collection efforts.
This year, the church has increased their goal and so has Gospel Tide. We’d love to collect 500 pairs of shoes locally and Gospel Tide has a goal to collect 10,000 pairs of shoes for the 2025 shoe drive.
This will be the fourth year of the shoe collection. The shoes collected will benefit micro-businesses in developing countries around the world, and the funds raised from this campaign will benefit Gospel outreach through literacy classes in India.
Many of us have shoes in our closets that we never or hardly wear, so this shoe drive is a great way for you to clean out your closets and donate the shoes to support the Gospel Tide’s ministry work. The shoes must be in good to excellent condition, hardly worn and clean. They should have the shoe strings in them and tie the pair together so they don’t get separated in transport.
The Centre Ballroom dance will be held on Sunday, Feb. 9, from 2-5 p.m., at Lambert Hall in Bellefonte. The dance starts with a Salsa lesson, followed by dancing and featuring a showcase dance. Cost is $10/person and we ask that you bring a snack to share. Call Rod at 717-543-8348 for more info.
Bald Eagle United Presbyterian Church is again starting their Holy Moments in History series and the public is invited. Mike Palischak, a well-known (retired) history teacher will be enlightening folks on important historical figures that influenced our country in a positive and Godly way.
The first man of interest in the series that begins on Wednesday, Feb. 5, will be William Penn. In case you didn’t already know, William Penn was an English Quaker who founded Pennsylvania. Penn was a strong believer in religious freedom.
The program starts at 10 a.m. and everyone is invited to the comfortable church sanctuary. Each program lasts about 45 minutes or so. Whether you’re just wanting to learn more about historical individuals or a dedicated history buff, you won’t want to miss the four monthly topics in this series that will be held the first Wednesday of each month from February through May.
Palischak welcomes questions and input into each of his chosen topics in the open forums.
The program will take place at the Bald Eagle United Presbyterian Church, 111 Main Street, Mill Hall. The church is handicap accessible with lots of free parking in our parking lot behind the church.
Susquehanna Valley Big Twins Motorcycle Club will be holding a breakfast buffet benefit for Jim “Cinders” Munro tomorrow from 7-11 a.m. at the SVBT club house (in Woolrich) that’s located at 84 Harley Drive, Lock Haven. An all you can eat breakfast, packed with many foods to make sure you don’t go away hungry, will be offered for only $10 for adults and $6 for children ages 6-12. Younger kiddos can eat for free or you can give a donation for their meal to help Jim. In addition, a 50/50 raffle and a Chinese Auction are being held to help raise money for Jim.
Jim is a SVBT member who was seriously injured in an auto accident in Colorado several months ago. He was hospitalized out west for months, but is now back home here where he’s still undergoing rehabilitation therapy. Cinders is finally able to walk again using a cane, but still has a ways to go in his recovery process.
SVBTM Club’s mission is to help those of the community, and this benefit will allow them to do that for one of their own club members this time.
The SVBTM Club holds a benefit breakfast each month to help an individual or family in the area who has fallen on tough times.
For more info on how you can donate a prize or help with future breakfast benefits, call Perry, SVBT’s president, at 570-295-2078.
Jacksonville Cemetery’s annual meeting will be held on Saturday, Jan. 18, at 1 p.m. at the Marion Township building in Jacksonville. All lot owners and those interested in the wellbeing of the cemetery are invited and encouraged to attend. There are openings for trustees (people need to be willing to serve and help the cemetery move forward.) All input and ideas will be appreciated. Call Pam at 814-383-2562 for more info.
Hublersburg Cemetery’s annual meeting will be on Saturday, Jan. 25, at 10 a.m. at the Walker Township building. All lot owners and those interested in the well being of the cemetery are encouraged to attend. Call Chuck at 814-383-4092 for more information.
Howard Area Lions Food Distribution will be on Monday, Jan. 20, from noon to 3 p.m., at the former Beech Creek Elementary School. Bring your sturdy boxes back for future food bank distributions. This distribution is for those residents that live in Beech Creek Borough or Township and those living in Centre County who missed their distribution date earlier this month.
The Lions Club will have their business meeting on Jan. 21 at 6:30 p.m. at the Yearick Center in Howard. All Lions are asked to attend this meeting since it’s going to be filled with some important discussions and decisions.
Lions Bingo will be held on Thursday, Jan. 23, at the Beech Creek Fire Company’s social hall. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and Bingo starts at 6:30 p.m.
Mark your calendars that the Lions will be holding their annual Sweetheart Dinner at the Howard fire hall on Saturday, Feb. 15. The free meal will be served at noon. All those 60 and older are invited to attend.
Milesburg Lions Club holds a weekly Bingo every Thursday night at the Milesburg Community Center. Doors open at 5 p.m. and Bingo starts at 6:45 p.m.
Howard Happenings is written and compiled by Tammy Coakley who can be reached by email at or by telephone at 814-625-2684.