Mifflinburg family receives help from ThinkBIG

PHOTO PROVIDED Three-year-old Finley and her mother Casey.
MIFFINLINBURG — In late August, Casey Snook’s 3-year-old daughter, Finley, began complaining about leg pain. The first thought was growing pains but in another week, Finley’s pain worsened.
Casey and her husband Colby of Mifflinburg took Finley to the local hospital, where she was examined and tested for leukemia. Her bloodwork came back normal and she was given an appointment to see a rheumatologist. A few days later Finley’s pain got worse. Her parents brought her to the emergency room at Geisinger Medical Center in Danville.
After more testing, the diagnosis was made of pre b-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The prognosis for this type of cancer is good for kids Finley’s age, but the treatment is a lengthy process and can involve many hospital admissions. Casey decided to take off work to be with Finley during her battle.
“I told my husband, I don’t care what we have to do, I am not going to work while this is happening to her,” Casey said.
Being home with Finley meant going from a two-income family to a single income. Financially things were not working and the Snooks were in danger of not making their mortgage payment. Social workers at Geisinger Janet Weis Children’s Hospital spoke to the Snook’s about the ThinkBIG Pediatric Cancer Fund and explained that it was in place to help families in need.
After applying for assistance, the Snook’s have received money from ThinkBIG to help make their mortgage payments.
“It was a quick turnaround to get us the help we needed,” Casey said. “Now that we are involved with ThinkBIG, I am learning more and more about how the funds are spent and how they raise the money. I am very grateful for ThinkBIG.”
Visit https://raisetheregion.org/designee/thinkbig-pediatric-cancer-fund and make a donation to help local kids in the fight against cancer.
ABOUT THINKBIG: Established in 2014, ThinkBIG works to help families of pediatric cancer patients by providing financial support for unexpected out-of-pocket expenses related to the child’s care. ThinkBIG is managed by a board of volunteers and community members who work to raise and administer funds. ThinkBIG offers assistance that allows families to focus on one thing … the health and well-being of their child. For more information on the ThinkBIG pediatric Cancer Fund, visit thinkbigpa.org. For more information about ThinkBIG, contact Mike McMullen at mmmcmullen@geisinger.edu or 814-949-2302.