
Proceedings from district judges

LOCK HAVEN — The following court proceedings were held before district judges:

— Charles Monroe, of Lock Haven, charged with strangulation, simple assault and harassment-subject other to physical contact, held for court.

— Michael Daniel Peck, of Mill Hall, charged with two counts of fleeing or attempting to elude an officer, evading arrest or detention on foot, intentional possession of a controlled substance by a person not registered, reckless endangerment, tampering with or fabricating physical evidence, resisting arrest, causing an accident involving damage to an attended vehicle/property, driving under the influence-first offense, disorderly conduct-hazardous or physically offensive condition, failure to stop and give information/render aid, reckless driving, careless driving, driving at an unsafe speed, following too closely, passing left unsafely, hampering an investigation by officer/failure to fulfill duty of operator and disregard for traffic lane (single), waived for court.

— Kevin Scott Fournier, of Mill Hall, charged with two counts of manufacture/delivery/possession with intent to manufacture/deliver, criminal use of a communication facility and intentional possession of a controlled substance by a person not registered, waived for court.

— Jeffrey Grant Barner, of South Williamsport, charged with simple assault and harassment-subject other to physical contact, waived for court.

— Kyle Hamilton Bentley, of Renovo, charged with defiant trespass with communication from owner/occupant, waived for court.

— Marshall William Swanger, of Lock Haven, charged with driving under the influence of a combination of drugs and alcohol-third offense, careless driving, disregard for traffic lane (single) and violating restrictions on alcoholic beverages, waived for court.

— Tyreke B. Newkirk, of Lock Haven, charged with corruption of minors-defendant age 18 or older and corruption of minors, waived for court.

— John Maurice Weaver, of Lock Haven, charged with criminal mischief-damage property and defiant trespass with communication from owner/occupant, waived for court.

— Charles Monroe, of Lock Haven, charged with failure to register with Pennsylvania State Police, withdrawn.

— Ronny Collazo Almanzar, of Scranton, charged with manufacture/delivery/possession with intent to manufacture/deliver, intentional possession of a controlled substance by a person not registered, use/possession of drug paraphernalia and following too closely, withdrawn.

— Charles Woodley Styers, Sr., of Mill Hall, charged with driving under the influence of a combination of drugs and alcohol-first offense and reckless driving, waived for court.

— Alessandro Dincher, of Jersey Shore, charged with theft by unlawful taking-movable property, receiving stolen property, making terroristic threats, unauthorized use of a motor vehicle and driving while operating privileges are suspended or revoked, waived for court.

— Esther Ruth Gardner, of Lock Haven, charged with theft by unlawful taking-movable property and receiving stolen property, waived for court.

— Jon Wallis Heimer, of Lock Haven, charged with driving under the influence of alcohol-first offense, driving at an unsafe speed, careless driving, violating restrictions on alcoholic beverages, operating a vehicle without a valid inspection and failure to use safety belt-driver and vehicle occupant, waived for court.

— Cody Robert Eggler, of Julian, charged with two counts of manufacture/delivery/possession with intent to manufacture/deliver and intentional possession of a controlled substance by a person not registered, waived for court.

— Christian Spahr, of Lock Haven, charged with driving under the influence-second offense and careless driving, waived for court.

— Alyse Dremel, of Lock Haven, charged with simple assault and harassment-subject other to physical contact, waived for court.

— Alyse Dremel, of Lock Haven, charged with retail theft, waived for court.

— James Edward Davis, Jr., of Lock Haven, charged with driving under the influence-first offense and violating light regulations, withdrawn, and careless driving, moved to non-traffic citation.

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