Each Saturday, The Express community newspaper highlights people, groups and activities our readers deem worthy of applause.
I would like to thank George, Deb and Amanda Lange of Woolrich for spotting my cell phone on the road at the Woolrich red light and retrieving it for me. When I ...
My name is Anna Collins, a rising senior majoring in Psychology at Lock Haven University. I’m originally from Port Matilda, Pennsylvania, where I spent most of life until my parents recently moved to Mill Hall. At Lock Haven University, I am an active member on the Women’s Lacrosse team and ...
Iowa’s Gov. Kim Reynolds recently stated there is “no cause more worthy than protecting innocent unborn lives.” Please allow me to suggest one. How about supporting innocent born lives?
It certainly does appear the Hawkeye State governor cares more for the unborn than children living ...
Dear Annie: I’ve been in a relationship with my boyfriend for about two years. He’s actually my ex-husband from 25 years ago, and we reunited about 16 months ago. We do not live together, but he’s made it clear that he wants to move in that direction and even hints that we should remarry. ...
In design, imitation often leads to innovation. Trying to recreate something you’ve seen others make can take some out-of-the-box thinking to find substitutes for inaccessible materials or fill in the gaps of unknown steps. Antique furniture is filled with examples, especially when foreign ...
The astonishing political events of the last four weeks make plain, once again, how much of America’s history depends on what voters have come to accept as the choice of one person: each presidential nominee’s choice of a vice presidential candidate. Even as the nomination process was ...