
Penn State Extension seeks input from septic system owners or users

UNIVERSITY PARK — Penn State Extension is surveying septic system owners or users to learn more about septic system operation and maintenance practices across Pennsylvania.

Extension’s water quality and quantity team will use the findings to identify existing needs for septic system maintenance in Pennsylvania and to design future educational programs on septic system and private water system care and maintenance.

On-lot septic systems are used to treat and dispose of wastewater from sinks, laundry, showers and toilets from homes or buildings in most of rural Pennsylvania. They include typical septic tanks and drain fields, advanced treatment systems, holding tanks, cesspools, or any other on-lot system. Septic system owners or users typically are responsible for system care and maintenance.

As part of this study, the team will select qualifying participants to receive free private well or spring water testing.

The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete and is divided into the following sections:

— Characteristics of households that rely on an on-lot waste management system.

— Septic system type and characteristics.

— Septic system management, including any problems or challenges faced in the past.

— Drinking water, the domestic household water supply and how respondents manage their water system.

For questions about the survey or to complete it in a different format, call 814-863-4622 or email ffk5024@psu.edu.

The survey is available at extension.psu.edu/septic-system-survey.

Starting at $3.69/week.

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