
Clinton County Court of Common Pleas schedule for Nov. 25-Nov. 29

(Editor’s Note: The Clinton County Court of Common Pleas schedule listed below is not in its entirety. The Express does not list cases involving PFAs, minors and other sensitive civil cases.)

LOCK HAVEN — The following schedule for Nov. 25-Nov. 29 is provided by the Clinton County Court of Common Pleas and is subject to change depending on the needs of the court system. Domestic relations hearings are also restricted and are not listed.

Abbreviations — CR denotes criminal procedures; CV civil procedures.

Names listed first are the names of the defendants and names near the end of each designation with the “/” between are the last names of the attorneys involved in the cases.

CPM is for hearings before Judge Craig Miller. MFS is for hearings before Judge Michael Salisbury. DA stands for District Attorney and PD for public defender. ARD is a first offender probation program. Revo stands for revocation hearings of different types and PWV is probation without verdict.


Nov. 25

8:30 a.m.

MFS-Ernest Paul Coit, CR, Non-Jury Trial, DA/Rude

3:30 p.m.

CPM-Attendance Court


Nov. 26

8:30 a.m.

CPM-Rahiem Cardel Fant, CR, Plea/Call of the List/Contempt, DA/Johnson

CPM-Toby Michael Stover, CR, Parole Revo./Arraignment, DA/Johnson

CPM-Andre Marcelino Dasilva, CR, Revo./Sentencing, DA/Decker

MFS-Gene Eaton, CR, PRC Revo., DA/Lindsay/Johnson

MFS-Jon M. Long, CR, PRC Revo., DA/Lindsay

CPM-Denise Lynn Taylor, CR, Prob. Revo., DA/Johnson

CPM-Aaron Scott Fisher, CR, Sentencing, DA/Lindsay

CPM-Kae Ann Weber, CR, ARD Placement, DA/Lindsay

MFS-Robert Donn Fenstermacher, CR, Status Conference, DA/Lingle

MFS-Jamie Sue Dershem, CR, PRC Revo./Call of the List, DA/Yates

MFS-Matthew Connelley, CR, Prob. Revo., DA/Johnson

MFS-Avery Skye Drake, CR, ARD Revo, DA/Decker

MFS-Adama J. Taylor, CR, ARD Revo., DA/Lindsay


CPM-Conner J. Peters, MD, Status Conf., DA/Decker

1:30 p.m.

CPM-Heather Marie Strouse, CR, Restitution Hearing, DA/Johnson

CPM-Sean Lawrence Yarrish, CR, Restitution Hearing, DA/Lindsay

3:30 p.m.

CPM-Accountability Court

Thursday, Nov. 28

Happy Thanksgiving

Friday, Nov. 29

Thanksgiving Holiday

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